Services for Business
Your decisions have long term consequences, how will they play out?
I can help you be better prepared for what lies over the horizon.

Specific "Futures" services for your business:
Choose "scenario planning workshops" if you need to develop plans for a range of future possibilities
Choose "strategic thinking workshops" if you need improve the depth and quality of your strategic planning inputs
Choose "industry future reports" if you need to be presented with potential long term risks and opportunities
Choose "topical futures public speaking" if you need to kick start conversations about the future
Scenario planning workshops
One of the major problems faced by teams and organisations is that the future is unknowable. These uncertain risks and opportunities can be understood by constructing a set of logically consistent short stories about alternate futures.
What it is: A structured method to develop a series of short narratives about a range of possible futures
Who's it for: Teams and organisations that need to create a shared understanding of the future
The outcome: Higher quality inputs into any strategic planning process.
Strategic thinking workshops
Leaders, managers, stakeholders among others get caught up in working in-the-business instead of on-the-business. One critical skill is the ability to think strategically about what lies ahead.
What it is: A structured method to develop strategic thinking skills.
Who's it for: Leaders, managers and senior organisational stakeholders
The outcome: Development of skills to consider options beyond business-as-usual
Industry future reports
Futures-oriented inputs to the strategy development and planning process improves the depth and integrity of decision making. These reports are a future-focused analysis of relevant long term industry trends.
What it is: Futures-focused analysis on industry sectors using standardised strategic foresight methods.
Who's it for: Stakeholders who need futures-focused inputs for strategy development and planning activities.
The outcome: You will gain valuable insights into the long term trends affecting your issue of concern.
Topical futures public speaking
Often times groups need to hear from a specialist about coming changes in order to kick-start their considerations of, and preparations for, long term decisions. These "future-themed" presentations are tailored to relevant issues.
What it is: Engaging, factual content based on my “Industries of the Future” PhD research
Who it's for: Teams, business groups and/or decision makers.
The outcome: You will gain an understanding of the trends and issues that will be affecting you.