Services for Schools
Your students are making career choices as they enter an ever changing world.
I can help them make better future-proof career choices
Specific "Futures" services for your secondary school:
Choose "'Jobs of the Future' workshops" if you need to develop plans for a range of future possibilities
Choose "Topical futures public speaking" if you need to kick start conversations about the future
'Jobs of the Future' workshops
Because the world is changing at an increasing rate, the future of work and career choices are also changing. Better long term success will be possible as we understand these influences and their impact upon the future.
What it is: An interactive workshop to help students understand the future of work and potential career options
Who's it for: Secondary school students and their teachers, educators and guardians
The outcome: Better informed career and study choices
Topical futures public speaking
Often times those in an education setting need to hear from a specialist about the changes underway so that considerations of the future can be better informed. These "future-themed" presentations are tailored to relevant issues.
What it is: Engaging, factual content based on my “Industries of the Future” PhD research
Who it's for: Secondary school students and their teachers, educators and guardians
The outcome: You will gain an understanding of the trends and issues that will be affecting you