Change Drivers
Visionary leadership, maintaining innovation momentum, preparing for what lies ahead, sustaining competitive advantage. Each of these have a common thread – the need to understand the drivers of change. The need to be aware of global megatrends that are shaping politics, the economy, society, and technology.
This series of videos explores these megatrends

The range of educational content to support long-term success
The change driver of "Demography" has to do with shifts in the age profiles of nations
The change driver of "Digitisation" has to do with our move to the world of bits and away from the world of atoms
The change driver of the "Environment" has to do with large scale variations in the natural environment
The change driver of "Individualism and Pluralism" has to do with developments in societal values and opportunities
The change driver of "Technological Convergence" has to do with the melding of fields of science.